Business Process Automation – Increase customer satisfaction and control costs, automatically.

Automation software is cutting the time and money spent on completing business process. Automation software is being used by businesses to reduce the costs associated with completing particular process. It is a way of reducing labour intensive activities. Manual triggers are being replaced by software which integrates disparate systems to enable an end to end business process. Costs are saved by the reduced need for people.

Business process begins with a task such as a customer asking a mobile operator for a new SIM card, which triggers off a chain of events that is concluded when the customer confirms receipt of the card. We realize that business process automation is always a challenging task. Tackling it requires the vendor to possess a comprehensive combination of technology skills and relevant horizontal and vertical expertise.

AnnaIT expertise covers all the main domains allowing us to support business processes across the entire enterprise.
  • Workflow automation and task management
  • Supply chain management and inventory management
  • Document management and ECM
  • Customer relationship management
  • Business intelligence
  • Corporate Intranets and Extranets

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